Old Kent Road Alligators and Other Stories

A series of screenprints and an animation investigating Chris’ interest in the contrast between daily observations of real life contrasted with the idealised images and events sold to us through Instagram, lifestyle blogs and property developers.  The images make use of Chris’ photography of discarded belongings, bins and handmade shop signs, contrasted with text taken from ‘must attend’ event listings, influencer interior design tips and homes and property sections.  This text is set in typefaces which reflect contemporary graphic design and marketing.

These images and text are all printed in a colour palette devised from Pantones “colour of the year” reflecting how we are constantly sold trends, even though things as basic as the colour of kettle we can buy.

These prints are all available as part of our Garudio Editions collection here

A screen print by Chris Ratcliffe of 2 alligators and the disused Old Kent Road Gas Works